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FAB (Food And Beverage)
Want to have an overview how much and what commodities are remaining in stock? Want to know how the price of primary commodities moved over the past year?

Stock overview

price overview through the average purchase price
purchase history
stock balance shown financially / in amounts
goods being sold on POS terminals directly from stock or via recipes
(compound items)
outputs - goods flow between suppliers and stock presented via species or
presentation of goods flow between departments via species or financially
survey control - automatic quantification of inventory differences, project the
physical inventory into financial

Sales connection

public gastronomy - processing of documentation for events and receptions
from the current database
Recipes and primary commodities
creation of recipes (or intermediate products)
creation of final recipes compound of primary goods or intermediate products
recipes quantified in average purchase price
possibility to manage the food preparation process, characteristics, energy,
multiple item exchange in recipes

POS (Point Of Sale)
Selling under control...

Cash server - cash desk management

article parameters settings - max. 64 price levels for items being sold
sales departments settings - multiple POS terminals/multiple users/different user
daily sales balances
sales statistics - financial, species, departments, staff statistics
automatic storno protocol and protocol of moved items between different bills
system handling and control without a need to be stopped
management tools for viewing the bills, storno made, bills from past days


Restaurant cash register

bill print in slip/roll form
restaurant/fast-food/reception sell mode
visit rating
sales for single items/whole bill
items chosen with touch screen/ numeric code (depends on hardware used)
multiple bills on one table, bill splitting, bill putting together, switching tables
bills payed by cash/credit cards/cheque connected to statistics
financial documentation - daily returns, etc.

abaton abaton abaton


abaton abatonclient accounts held in credit/debit form; can be used as loyalty programs/for other
company employees consumption invoicing

abaton abatonclient identified with magnetic/RFID/barcode cards

Running conference rooms in your hotel? Spending more time with organizing events then needed?Then, just for you, we have developed easy to handle booking software. System where all hotel departments meet and share information.

space reservation for banquets, trainings and other events
day/week/month reports and previews
event preparation by choosing pre-edited items from system list
MENU - multiple items
item diversification - gastronomy, technology, purchased services
one/multiple day events using different rooms
connected to guest/partner database
events categorized by importance/types, etc.
event drafts publication
client communication documents printing
standard contract editing/printing

Sports club? Golf resort? Squash? Tennis? Aerobics? Spinning? With any activity you need to have an overview of capacity and clients consumption - cub members/new clients.

unlimited capacity for reservations
single reservation (squash)or group reservation (aerobics)
client accounts
club id cards for clients
POS terminals for sport front offices and bars


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Licenční podmínky Abaton Praha. (PDF) (CZ)


Abaton Praha, s.r.o. Sokolovská 138/615, Praha 8, 186 76 tel: +420 222 710 809